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The idea of being a phone sex operator appeals to you. You have decided to look into it. Now I want you to make an informed decision about working for a company, or doing it independently. This is your choice to make. You should only do what you feel comfortable doing, in a way you feel safest. That is why I am not going to try and sell you my independent start up packages here.  Instead I am going to give you free information on the different ways to become a PSO and let you make your own informed decision. Your voice, your job, your choice. 


Working for a chatline company


Pro: Easy. They manage your profile for you and you work from a diverted premium rate number. No technical knowlege required except how to awnser and hang up a phone.


Con: Money. Typically for this they will charge callers £1.50 a min to speak to you and out of that pay you 18p a min. Management. There are a lot of girls who like the idea of working for a chatline company. Because of this these companies have a reputation for not treating their staff to well. If you get annoyed and leave, they don't care. Likelihood is there's another girl waiting for your job. 

Being an independent PSO 



Pro: You work for yourself. You choose your rate per min. You keep all the money you earn- neither I nor a chatline company take commissions from you. There are no ongoing costs. You work only when you want to. You do not need a premium rate number! You can work from your mobile or landline.

Con: You manage your own emails and communication with clients, there is no office to do this for you



Now you know your options, you are able to make an informed choice. If you decide to work for a chatline company I wish you the best of luck and urge you to not do anything you feel uncomfortable with. Remember you deserve to be treated with respect, and promises such as working hours and payment made to you must be kept. If you have decided you want to be an independent PSO you can see a list of my start up packages on the "packages" section of this site.

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